Every business generates a certain amount of surplus and damaged goods. At KOK Maison, we are proud to have reduced this to a minimum. We have decided to dispose of the little that remains through factory sales. No more than twice a year, we sell off overstock, damaged and repaired products, one-offs from samples or colour tests and items that have not passed quality control but are still fit for use. This obviously applies to rattan, willow and resin products from KOK Maison and Orchid Edition, but also from our partners and collaborators such as Landmade and Table et Nature.

You'll be able to take advantage of great discounts on our products. In exchange, you'll need to be there on the scheduled dates, without knowing in advance what you'll find.


We usually hold a ‘spring’ sale in April or May and a ‘winter’ sale in November. The date and frequency depend on the quantity of products to be sold.

We send an email about 3 weeks before the next factory sale to let you know, and communicate on our website and social networks.

If you're already receiving our emails notifying you of upcoming dates, there's nothing more you need to do. We will continue to communicate via this channel to the entire file. If you're not yet on the list, send us an email at info@kokmaison.com to be added.

The sales take place over two days: Friday from 10am to 6pm and Saturday from 10am to 1pm.


Sales take place on our premises, directly in our warehouse.

Address: 73 rue Thomas Becket, 59250 HALLUIN, FRANCE


Payment by cash or credit card from €1. Cheques are not accepted.

No reservation, an item is put aside only if it has been paid for.

It is preferable to bring something to transport your furniture when you arrive. It is however possible to collect your purchases without an appointment a little later during the two days of the sale or by appointment the week following the factory sale.